On English morale, post-WWII

Letter on English morale - PicPost mar 1947

The above letter was printed in a magazine called Picture Post, dated March, 1947 which is part of my collection of old magazines and ephemera. In 1947 England was still trying to recover from the recent devastating War, and conditions were somewhat bleak.

I post it because it seems from what I read and hear that people are demoralized in England now — unless, like many Americans, they are so anesthetized by ‘entertainment’ and various forms of bread-and-circuses. I do get the sense that England or Britain if you want to be ‘inclusive’ is enervated and exhausted. So the post-war conditions seem to be a foreshadowing of what was to come — if only the people of Britain had known it. And it was about to start happening soon after this letter was published. Wasn’t it in 1948 that the Windrush arrived in Britain, the first wave of the ‘Camp of the Saints’ onslaught that would gradually develop all over Europe?

From the link in the previous paragraph:

When the ship arrived at Tilbury docks from Jamaica in June 1948, carrying 417 Black immigrants, it represented more than just a turning point in the history of those ancient isles. In some respects it signalled the beginning of mass, organized non-White immigration into northwest Europe.”

If only the Mr. Dillon who wrote the letter which began this post had any inkling of what was about to happen, and of the ‘hard days to come’ for England…


The ‘Brexit’ issue

What does the question of Britain possibly leaving the European Union have to do with the theme of this blog? Of course it’s an internal matter, but to anybody in the United States who has Anglophile leanings, or English roots, it’s certainly a matter of interest.

Having followed the news on the upcoming ‘Brexit’ vote somewhat casually, I am afraid that it looks as though the status quo will win out. And I don’t see that as a desirable outcome; I can’t say why the people of the UK seem to fear leaving the EU; maybe it’s a case of the old ‘better the devil you know’ reasoning.

I read here that those who fear Britain leaving the UK are thinking of expatriating themselves, in some cases, to Germany. My first thought, of course, is that who on earth would want to go from the frying pan (Britain) to the fire (Germany)? Have these people not read of the recent chaos involving all the ”refugees” flooding Germany at Frau Merkel’s invitation? Or of the announced decision to let the supposedly temporary ”refuge-seekers” stay permanently after only three years? Some of the British people considering becoming German citizens fear their applications may not be approved — yet the ”refugees” are being fast-tracked. I wondered just who would find Germany a desirable destination compared to the UK. One interviewee, married to a German man, says of Germany:

“A country that’s shown leadership in the refugee crisis and that’s shown itself to be inclusive and welcoming – not like the prevailing atmosphere in the UK right now, she says. ‘Europe should be celebrated – not feared’

I don’t like the politics of Brexit and the nationalism and intolerance that goes with it.”

[Emphasis above is  mine].

So this woman is a far-leftist, who finds ‘diverse and inclusive’ Britain not ‘inclusive and welcoming’ enough for her. She wants more diversity and more inclusion. She is, in my opinion, doing a service to her home country by expatriating herself.

On a different note, we have this piece from the Texas Nationalist Movement blog, expressing solidarity with those in the UK who wish to break free of the EU, and comparing the situation of Britain in the EU with the status of Texas within the Federal Union. It’s worth remembering that Texas was, following its break from Mexico, a free and sovereign nation, a nation which chose (after some consideration) to join the United States. I don’t know how my Texas colonist ancestors felt about that decision but it has proved to be a bad thing in light of the recent decay of the United States into a tower of Babel.

A comment on the piece suggests that Britain’s exit from the EU could inspire the Scots to achieve their own independence, but the fact is, the Scottish voters declined that choice not so very long ago. So it appears that the Scots aren’t interested in being free from Britain; the financial benefits of staying within the UK were apparently a factor.

However it’s natural for someone who is an Anglophile to wish that England might win her independence. Since Scotland refused to leave the nest when offered the chance, England might go her own way. The English, like English-descended Americans in this country, are the ignored and undervalued ethnic group, though they are the core, original people.

Woven into the texture of the nation…

The following is from John Esten Cook’s Virginia, A History of the People.

Cook, John Esten_virginiahistoryofthepeople_01cook_0013


First, note the obvious second sentence, which says that the New England colonists and the Virginia colonists were descended from the same English stock. This was the view held by most reputable scholars up until the middle of last century, contra the more recent crop of revisionists who hold to other, novel ideas, ideas which are not based, by the way, on any real new data, but on personal biases in many cases.

The last sentence notably says that the characteristics of those English colonists are ‘woven into the texture of the nation, and are ineradicable.’ Are they ineradicable? I would like to think so, but it appears that the mind-conditioning efforts of the powers-that-be are severely testing this idea. They have tried, by dumbing down the ‘educational’ system, making it little more than a propaganda-delivery system, and by salting the entertainment media with lies and half-truths, to eliminate all trace of the character of the original-stock colonists of this nation.

The result is a nation of people who have more years of schooling, including graduate school for many Americans, than their ancestors had, but who are for all that, less knowledgeable and well-informed than their forebears who had eight-grade educations. Never have so many had so much ‘education’ and so little knowledge of factual information, much less Truth.

And people are more sure of their ”facts” than ever before, making them less open to revising what they think and ‘know.’ They read it in a popular best-seller ‘history’ book by a liberal professor. They saw it in a Hollywood movie, thus they know it to be true. Those old writers and historians? They were backward and ignorant. Those were yesterday’s facts, superseded by today’s ”facts” and factoids, things that ‘everybody knows.’

It would be a great thing if everyone had access to DNA testing to ascertain the truth of these various popular theories of American ancestral origins — like the idea that ‘Germans are the most common ethnicity in the United States’ or ‘The South is Scots-Irish and Celtic’ or ‘Most black Americans have White blood, from the slave-masters.’ Yes, even people on ‘race-realist’ forums are fond of saying that.

Absent good family tree documentation or DNA testing nobody really knows for sure. Yet everyone is sure they know.

But can genetic characteristics, manifested in a people’s culture, persist for generations? Or is it only a romantic fantasy that those traits are preserved through time to a certain extent?

If we say no, those traits die out, being destroyed by ‘culture’ or environment, then what happens to those genetic traits? Does a family line or an ethnic group become re-invented when it is transplanted to a different place, or over the passing of centuries? Is there then such a thing as ‘magic dirt’ that transmutes a  people into a different people?

There is some interplay between genes and environment, it seems, but we can’t say that environment is all as the ‘magic dirt’ believers or the blank-slate cult holds.

“Ideas didn’t build America”

The above is the title of a blog piece over at The Right Stuff. As you can see from the title, it is an argument against ”American exceptionalism” and the old ‘proposition nation” fantasy. An excerpt:

America wasn’t built by the ideas of John Locke, or the ideas of Thomas Jefferson, or by the ink in the Constitution. Jamestown wasn’t settled by books, or words, or philosophies; Jamestown was settled by the English. America’s cities, roads, towns, literature, industry, and, yes, even her form of government, were built by people.”

And yes he does say that America was settled and built primarily by the English. How refreshing to see those words for a change; instead it’s always ”America was settled and built by immigrants…” and the usual ”melting pot” drivel.

If I over-emphasize the role played by the English it is largely because their role has been more than de-emphasized for the last half-century or so; the English have been practically written out of our history, except to fill the role of the villains in the Revolution and the War of 1812, as if they were aliens and not our own stock, our kinsmen.

I think it’s important that we try to debunk much of the propaganda of recent decades; we have to start challenging the lies. We have to try to de-romanticize immigration and the old Ellis Island/Statue of Liberty mystique that has been built up by the multiculturalists. After all, that meme has laid the foundation for our present flood of immigrants and ”refugees.”

And then there’s the little matter of the truth. We can’t let lies stand. The truth must be put out there. We can’t let the propaganda masters have a monopoly on the discourse.

Kudos to the blogger Tory Scot for his contribution.